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CTI Butler

A database of MITRE ATT&CK, MITRE CAPEC, MITRE CWE, NVD CVE, NVD CPE, Sigma Rules, YARA Rules, DISARM Framework data as STIX 2.1 objects.

Centralised Knowledgebases

An up-to-date database of eight popular CTI knowledgebases (and growing) with full version histories, all accessible in one place.

Centralised Knowledgebases

Rich Relationships

CTI Butler creates STIX relationships between each knowledgebase (e.g. MITRE ATT&CK -> MITRE CAPEC), allowing you to explore the intelligence as a graph.

Rich Relationships

Powerful Search

Use the CTI Butler search language to uncover, filter and export the data. CTI Butler also includes a range of pre-built searches to help get you started quickly.

Powerful Search

Integrate anywhere

Integrate the data held in the CTI Butler database with other security tools using the flexible API.

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